If you haven’t already registered online or mailed in a registration sheet, you may register at rehearsals. Our first rehearsal is June 3.
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Everett Herald
The Everett Herald published an announcement in the Saturday paper, religion section, events area about Lutheran Choral Association. Check it out at http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20130525/NEWS01/705259967
We appreciate registrations. It helps to know how many copies of music are needed. Because this is our inaugural year, the choir could have between 30 and 200 singers. Registering by Memorial Day assures that we will have time to make copies as needed and acquire most of the music as needed.
Because this is a summer choir it is expected that singers will miss some rehearsals. That is why we start June 3. Lutheran Choral Association bridges the summer gap, keeping our voices in shape for the fall. When churches are gearing up for fall, we are completing our work,so that we can support, rather than compete with the ministries of the churches. Lutheran Choral Association is a time to fellowship with singers from other Lutheran churches, including Lutheran Brethren, WELS, LCMS, NALC, ELCA,ELDoNA, and singers from other denominations and those without a church home who join us to sing praises to God. It is a time for those in smaller choirs to join voices with others to form a larger choir.