Here are the tentative bylaws. Note that there is no mention of payment for the director or accompanist. The director and accompanist may be paid via honorarium at the end of the season, or if the association chooses, may be paid employees. Having paid employees may put the organization at risk in some years, so it is advisable to pay via honorarium. Bylaws and board members are needed to establish 501c3 status.
BYLAWS of the
LUTHERAN CHORAL ASSOCIATION of Snohomish County, Washington
Article I – Name
Sec. 1 The name of this Association shall be The Lutheran Choral Association of Snohomish County, Washington.
Article II – Purpose
Sec. 1 To provide an organization in which all Lutherans and other interested people in this area may join their voices in singing praises to God.
Sec. 2 To give opportunity for singers in smaller congregations to join with others in a larger choir.
Sec. 3 To keep our vocal instruments exercised and ready to sing praises to God throughout the summer and beyond.
Article III – Members
Sec. 1 Any singer may become a member of this Association by participating in its activities and will be considered a member as long as such participation continues.
Article IV – Meetings
Sec. 1 Regular rehearsals of the Association will be held during the summer months, as called by the President or the Executive Board, with prior notification by mail or email. To participate in the annual concerts it shall be necessary for members to attend a minimum of eight (8) rehearsals unless special permission is granted by the Director. (In the inaugural year this requirement shall be suspended in order to gain more members and increase awareness.)
Sec. 2 Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President or the Executive Board with written or printed notification delivered at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, either personally or by mail, or by verified email (RSVP’d).
Sec. 3 The annual meeting of the membership of the Association shall be held in September of each year, at a time and place fixed by the Executive Board, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and the transaction of any other needful business. Notification shall be made as described in above Sec. 2. Business shall be transacted by those present and voting, with a quorum as designated in the Bylaws.
Sec. 4 Ten per cent (10%) of the members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for all purposes, but a lesser number may adjourn without further notice from time to time until a quorum shall attend; and thereupon, any business may be transacted as of the original time set for the meeting.
Sec. 5 Meetings shall be conducted and duties of officers shall be defined according to Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, except as otherwise provided herein.
Article V – Officers
Sec. 1 The officers of this Association shall be President, First Vice – President, Second Vice – President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Publicity Chair, Librarian, and Property Manager, and shall constitute the Executive Board. Officers shall serve one – year terms and may be re-elected.
Sec. 2 The Executive Board shall act as the Board of Directors of the Corporation.
Sec. 3 The Executive Board shall do all needful and proper things that tend to promote the usefulness of the Association and carry out the purposes thereof. It shall have general supervision of the finances of the Association, providing, however, that no member of the Board shall contract any debt on behalf of the Association unless first ordered to do so by the Association or the Executive Board.
Sec. 4 The First Vice President shall have the primary duty of planning and executing riser installation and removal for concerts. Additional duties may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Sec. 5 The Second Vice President shall have the primary duty of enlisting members to provide devotions at rehearsals. Additional duties may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Sec. 6 The Corresponding Secretary shall keep a complete list of members, including their addresses, phone numbers and church affiliation, and shall notify members of all meetings and rehearsals of the Association.
Sec. 7 The Recording Secretary shall keep all minutes of business meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Sec. 8 The Publicity Chair shall handle all advertising, publicity and public relations through all available media for the Association.
Sec. 9 The Librarian shall have charge of all the music owned and used by the Association.
Sec. 10 The Property Manager shall have charge of any robes, and music binders, and musical instruments and other non-literature assets owned and used by the Association.
Article VI – Elections
Sec. 1 At least one month prior to the annual meeting, the President or the Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee composed of three or more members of the Association. This committee shall provide a slate of candidates at the annual meeting for election to offices of the Association. At the meeting additional nominations from the floor will be in order.
Article VII – Dues and Assessments
Sec. 1 There shall be no regular dues required of members. A free – will offering will be accepted at every rehearsal.