Lutheran Choral Association of Snohomish County is an ecumenical summer choir devoted to singing praises to God. We rehearse in the summer months when most church choirs are off for the summer, and end our season in early September. In that way we can support, rather than compete with area churches and choirs. We rehearse on Monday nights from 7-9 p.m. at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church near Everett Mall. Due to VBS, one rehearsal will be at at a different place. Our first year we rehearsed that week at Cedar Cross United Methodist Church in Mill Creek. This year we practiced at the home of our director, Jean DeWitt. A concert is planned for either the first weekend in September, or the first weekend after Labor Day. Because we are a summer choir, we work around vacations.
Lutheran Choral Association of Snohomish County
1509 148th Place SE
Mill Creek, WA 98012
Outreach to churches
Poster: Designed by Kathy Corneloupe of Wooden Cross Lutheran, Woodinville (Thank-you!) Lutheran Choral Assn poster
Flyers – 4 to a page: poster4LCA
Flyers – Powerpoint2008poster4LCA
In 2013 the choir singers included Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, and LDS from seven area churches. In 2014, the choir also included singers from Egyptian, Presbyterian, Baptist churches, and no church home. In 2013, we presented a concert at Bethlehem Lutheran in Marysville on Sept 7 at 7:00 p.m., along with 8 members of the Music Hall Community Orchestra. In 2014, we presented a concert at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Everett on Sept 7 at 7:00 p.m. with 3 members of the Music Hall Community Orchestra.
In 2015, we presented a concert at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Everett on Sept 13 at 7:00 p.m. with 3 members of the Music Hall Community Orchestra.
In 2016 we will perform at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on Sept 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.