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Rehearsals start June 2

We will start rehearsing on June 2.  Because this will be a low attendance week – may other choirs are still finishing up and some choir members will not be able to start until a week or two later, we will also have a short meeting to take care of business from last year.  We will not vote for the summer’s board members until the third Monday, when more will be able to attend.

Reformation Hymn sing at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynnwood

Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynnwood is hosting a Reformation hymn sing on October 27 at 7:00 p.m.

The choir ReSound, directed by Stephen Marshall-Ward will sing, as well as a combined choir directed by Michael Miller, plus I believe there will be congregational singing.


if you would like to be part of the combined choir, singing a new song by Micheal Miller, called Hands of God, please be at the rehearsal at 5:00 p.m.

Sharing our gifts at Prince of Peace

We sang Ave Verum Corpus and With a Voice of Singing during the services at Prince of Peace on August 4, 2013. We were well received and had an enjoyable time. I loved seeing the smiles of the singers praising God. It was great to be able to give back to the church that has so graciously allowed us to use their space.

June 10 rehearsal

We keep growing. We now have 14 registered and more coming on Monday and the following weeks. I love having a choir full of instrumentalists!
We rehearsed the following songs:
Ave Verum Corpus – in Latin
O Lord Most Holy
God So Loved the World
The Lord Bless you and Keep You

June 3 rehearsal

We had a great time! We had a productive session and worked on the following pieces:
God So loved the World (Stainer)
Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) (we spent a lot of time on this one)
The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Lutkin) (we spent a lot of time on this one)
Prayer (Druzdof)
Forever (Hamlin/Lawrence)

Everett Herald

The Everett Herald published an announcement in the Saturday paper, religion section, events area about Lutheran Choral Association. Check it out at


We appreciate registrations. It helps to know how many copies of music are needed. Because this is our inaugural year, the choir could have between 30 and 200 singers. Registering by Memorial Day assures that we will have time to make copies as needed and acquire most of the music as needed.